Thursday, February 7, 2008

Third-Party Candidacy for Ron Paul?

I have been down this road before. I was a Libertarian Party activist from 1980-1988, including Ron Paul's campaign. The most success we had was in 1980 because we had lots of money from David Koch.

It would be possible to run a third party campaign given the money and supporters that he has, but it would alienate Republicans. The MSM would ignore him more than ever and advertising would be the only way to get his message out. If he stays in the Republican race until the convention, he could focus on support of congressional candidates. The local media is much more likely to cover where he appears with a local candidate.

The neocons have done so much damage to the Republican Party that there is a very real opportunity to shift the party back to its libertarian roots.

The Democrats likely will win the election and with a democratic congress, they will do enormous harm to the economy.

The many young people who have been attracted to the Ron Paul campaign will not only be taxed excessively to pay for the baby boomer retirement entitlements but they will be denied economic opportunity because of the taxes and regulation imposed by the dems.

We could focus on electing like-minded people to congress to at least begin to stem the tide of socialism.

Good article:

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